5th Annual HAY Conference

Hawlemont Elementary School presents the 4th annual HAY conference

Saturday, XXXXX from 9:30 a.m. to 2:15 p.m.

Our mission is to share knowledge in agriculture, sustainability, self-sufficiency, and holistic wellness.

This broad array of knowledge is meant to help ourselves, our community, and our planet.

The conference includes three sessions with a number of awesome presenters.

Call us at (413) 339.8316 ext. 214, or contact Amber Tulloch,

agricultural educator, via email, or contact Jean Bruffee,

agriculture consultant, via email with any questions or concerns.

Please see below for more information.



HAY Conference Flyer

HAY Conference Sessions

Dell Farm - Sheila Litchfield - 89 Route 8A - Heath, MA 01339

CONTACT: Email: sheila@thedell.us - Phone: 413.337.4957 - Fax: 413.337.6693 LINKS - www.dellfarm.us

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